Listen Conversations & Learn to Speak Fluent English [FREE]

Free Course Title: Listen Conversations & Learn to Speak Fluent English

Day-to-day talking in English which we use frequently in our daily life

Listen Conversations & Learn to Speak Fluent English


  • There are no primary requirements…But But But if you have a very little idea about below 2 things, it will be a plus for you.
  • 1. Very Basic Routine Vocabulary
  • 2. Very Basic Grammar Rules

What you’ll learn:

  • Learning a new language becomes easier when you listen it and implement(speak) it in your day-to-day life
  • Listen, Remember, Implement, Practice, Speak with Confidence
  • Routine English Conversation
  • Facial Expressions and Body Language while Speaking English
  • Pronunciation and Accent of Words
  • Explore Routine Vocabulary

Who this course is for:

  • Beginners in Learning English

Just Remember these 7 Heaven :

1. Forget grammar!

That’s right. This may seem strange to you, but it is very important.

If you are preparing for an examination, then you should study grammar. However, if you want to become fluent in English conversation, then you should try to learn English without thinking about grammar too much.

The reason why I say this is that to become fluent, you need to be able to speak without pausing to think of the correct words and sentence construction.

If you are constantly trying to translate what you want to say from your own language into English, whilst thinking about all the grammar rules you’re supposed to be using, you’ll most likely become bogged down, hesitant and fail in your fluency goal.

2. Think in English.

The toughest thing in learning a new language isn’t a language, it is all about how you think in the language. If you think in your native language when you are trying to speak it is quite difficult to get fluency.

Here is the solution for the problem. Try out this anywhere, try to think in English whatever you want to speak also whenever you think in your mind always think in the English language. Utilize dictionary whenever you require. This will definitely help people to get fluency in the English language.

3. Speak to yourself

You can do this anywhere, whenever you want to practice English, get help from yourself itself. Speak out the language loudly what you think in your mind. Even though you don’t have a partner to correct your mistakes speak the language loudly that make you more confident in speaking.

4. Don’t Be Afraid to Make Mistakes

Sometimes it can be difficult to put all those rules and words together into a simple sentence. Don’t let the fear of saying something wrong stop you from speaking at all. Even if you think you’re making a mistake, keep speaking anyway.

5. Make use of mirror

Every morning make sure you are spending at least 5 mins before getting back to your regular and speak out in the English language in front of the mirror. Select a topic, set the timer to speak whatever you want.

6. Concentrate on fluency, not grammar

When you speak, notice how many times you stop? The less you stop, the more confident you get. The sentence you practice might be not a perfect grammar that is okay don’t take it as a big issue. Practice makes you perfect at the end of the session.

7. Try out some tongue twisters

Tongue twisters are quite difficult to say repeatedly. E.g. How much wood would a woodchuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Try this many times it is not so easy.

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