Build Full Featured Progressive Web App From Scratch (2022) [FREE]

Free Certification Course Title: Build Full Featured Progressive Web App From Scratch (2022)

The ONLY course you need to learn to become EXPERT in building any kind of Progressive Web App (PWA)!

Build Full Featured Progressive Web App From Scratch (2022)

What you’ll learn:

  • Understanding of copywriting and creating attractive slogans & description of the app.
  • Uploading videos (showing progress bar) and changing the bitrate, audio quality & overall quality of the video using open-source FFMPEG library.
  • Uploading animated gifs (showing progress bar) and convert them into mp4 videos (Like Twitter & Instagram) using open-source library FFMPEG.
  • Design the app layout for platforms such as iOS, Android & Desktop.
  • Uploading images (showing progress bar) & creating multiple images of different sizes using back-end programming.
  • Building app’s own video player just like Twitter & Instagram.
  • Designing vectorized logo & icons.
  • Signing up, signing in & forgot password process including success sign up email, alert email on sign in & request password email on forgot password call.
  • Creating profile URLs using Htaccess. For example “catzby dot com/username”.
  • Creating neat URLs using Htaccess. For example “catzby dot com/@ForbiDDen.
  • Retrieving data from database using Regex Expressions Patterns and auto load on page scroll down.
  • Setting up Virtual Private Server, installling LAMP & FFMPEG & addressing important issues.
  • Setting up DNS Records.
  • Setting up separate Mail Server.
  • Back button functionality using History API which makes app feels like Twitter & Instagram.
  • Setting up Manifest & Service Workers.
  • Making app installable on devices such as Windows, Android etc.
  • Setting up Push Notifications which includes retrieving & saving users’ tokens & sending push notifications on different events. For example tagging users etc.
  • Adding search functionality to the app.
  • Minifying scripts to increase the performance of the app.
  • Running script in the background for notifying users about new number of notifications appearing on the notification icon.
  • Tagging users in the post.
  • Add hashtags functionality to the post.
  • Conerting URL like text into clickable links.
  • Characters count functionality.
  • Sharing links with native mobile capabilities.
  • Setting up Google Analytics & Google Webmaster Tools to analyze the performance of the app.


  • Basic CSS, JavaScript & Back-End programming skills are required to understand this course.


In this production level Javascript & back-end programming course you’ll learn developing the PWA like Twitter & Instagram from scratch which includes vectorized logo & icons, layout design, sign up/sign in/forgot password process, uploading profile picture, updating bio, posting images, gifs & videos (FFMPEG), creating customized video player, hashtags, converting text into links, tagging users, setting up push notifications & much more.

Who this course is for:

  • Developers who’re passionate to build apps like Ebay, AliExpress, Dailymotion, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram etc.

This course includes:

  • 7 hours on-demand video
  • 1 downloadable resource
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion