Free Certification Course Title: Autodesk AutoCAD – Beginner to an advanced level
This comprehensive course is the perfect start to your career in CAD design. This course will give you a competitive edge in your career, making you stand out from all other applicants and employees.
What you’ll learn:
On completion, you will have gained the skills and knowledge to take a project from start to finish, utilizing all tools and drawing methods.
You will be taught how to create your own types of text, dimensions, layers, and blocks to use in your own working environment.
All tools will be explained in detail by their true definitions, illustrated with easy-to-follow images and put into practice with guided exercises.
Setting you up to work on your own as well as understand typical office standards.
At the end of the course is an extra section where you can request a video ex-plainer on any issues you are having.
No prior knowledge of AutoCAD is required.
Students should have a good working knowledge of how to use a PC.
A working mouse with a scroll wheel is essential.
A second screen is recommended to view the videos while using AutoCAD on the other.
AutoCAD software must be installed, 30-day free trial available from Autodesk. The first section of this course will guide you through the download and install process if you have not done so already.