Free Certification Course Title: Backend Master Class [Golang + PostgreSQL + Kubernetes]
Learn everything about backend web development: Golang, Postgres, Gin, gRPC, Kubernetes, AWS, GitHub Actions
What you’ll learn:
Design database schema using DBML and automatically generate SQL code from it
Deeply understand the DB isolation levels, transactions and how to avoid deadlock
Automatically generate Golang code to interact with the database
Develop a RESTful backend web service using the Gin framework
Secure the APIs with user authentication, JWT and PASETO
Write stronger test set with high coverage using interfaces and mocking
Build a minimal Docker image for deployment and use Docker-compose for development
Set up Github Action to automatically build and deploy the app to AWS Kubernetes cluster
Register a domain and config Kubernetes ingress to route traffic to the web service
Enable automatic issue & renew TLS certificate for the domain with Let’s Encrypt
Only basic programming skill is needed.