Data Analyst Bootcamp: Complete Course to be a Data Analyst [FREE]

Free Certification Course Title: Data Analyst Bootcamp: Complete Course to be a Data Analyst

Using PostgreSQL, Real-world Database & Python For Data Analysis & Data Science from scratch with Challenge & Projects.

Data Analyst Bootcamp: Complete Course to be a Data Analyst

What you’ll learn:

  • Using Real World PostgreSQL Database Airlines Database.
  • Learn coding in Python by examples.
  • How to Use Python & SQL to Analyze and visualize Data.
  • Use Python to visualize Postgres Data Output and get your Conclusion about Data.
  • Use Python bs4 & Pandas to Scrape a webpage, Analyze and visualize The Scraped Data.
  • Use SQL to perform advanced techniques to retrieve data from databases.
  • Use Python with SQL Postgres database.
  • Use Python to load Postgres Data Output file.
  • Learn Python & SQL by doing through Python Projects.


  • No primer programming experience needed for this course.
  • Computer and internet.
  • Your enthusiasm to learn Python & SQL For Data Analysis & Data Science.
  • Everything else you need to learn Python Programming is already in this course.

Who this course is for:

  • Are you want to learn more about SQL, PostgreSQL, or data analysis using Python & SQL?
  • Are you want to learn Python & SQL for data science?
  • Are you ready for upcoming Python & SQL interview questions?
  • Use Python bs4 & Pandas to Scrape a webpage, Analyze and visualize The Scraped Data.
  • Are you willing to learn Python Pandas & Data Visualization?

This course includes:

  • 11 hours on-demand video
  • 202 articles
  • 1 downloadable resource
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion